Thursday, August 19, 2010

Are your body cair products toxic?

I have always wanted something like this. My friend Ashley sent this to me. It is a database of body care products. You can type in your favorite product and it will give it a rating of 1-10 on how harmful it is to your body. I am not shocked at all by the horrible ratings the products I use received. For my kids I use the Suave products because they are cheap. And every time I go to choose one at the store and I open it to smell it I think---chemicals. But it is what I can afford for now. But seriously. Looking this stuff up make me google all sorts of homemade shampoo and body wash recipes, which I am going to try next month. (I'm out of cash for the month).

So you should check it out HERE. It's very informative.

Let me know what you think, and if it makes you switch products or if you use products with a good rating, let us know in the comments. Let us know where you bought it if it was locally or online and the price--if you know it.


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