Thursday, July 15, 2010


Our bodies are full of all kinds of interesting bugs some are good for us and some not so good. Probiotics are good bacteria. Acidophilus, bifidus, lactobacillius, etc... they reside in the intestinal tract. As with most good things, our bodies, because of lifestyle and diet are lacking in these essential bacterias. So we look to other sources to replenish our lack. Probiotics are most commonly seen in yogurt, kefir and raw sauerkraut. Que the activia commercial. I will just make a bullet point list of all the cool things that probiotics do.

- they manufacture vitamins, especially B's, which help to detoxify chemicals and metabolize hormones
- they help the enzymes to maximize food assimilation and digestion.
- starve the bad bacteria of nutrients
- change the bodies acid/alkaline balance
- boost immune response, inhibiting growth of pathogenic organisims
- protect intestinal mucosa levels
- develop a barrier to food borne allergies
- neutralize antibiotic resistant strains of bacteria
- reduces cancer risk
- reduces risk of IBS and diverticulosis
- synthesizes need vitamins for healing
- prevents diarrhea by improving digestion of proteins and fats

If you are not a yogurt eater then you could look into a supplement for your probiotics. I recommend Optimal Health Systems Flora Plus.

I do not recommend taking antibiotics unless you absolutely have to (like life or death) because they destroy ALL bacteria good and bad. This is not good because it leaves the system with out defenses, can seriously mess up your digestive processes for a long time and these days we are seeing new and freaky strains of antibiotic resistant bacterias- this is because for years doctors have been handing antibiotics like candy and the bugs keep mutating. I recently had MRSA, which is a very serious staph infection that can kill you. I treated it naturally and I won!

Educate yourself! Doctors do not know everything, they know what drug companies tell them.

When the @#$% hits the fan you had better know how to take care of your family.

Fun Fact: There are over 4lbs of bacteria in the human intestinal tract!

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